Unit 78: Digital Graphics for Computer Games
What are computer Game Graphics:
Computer game graphics consists of these three things Print Media Graphics, In Game Graphics and
Concept Art Graphics. See previous Exercises for in depth explanation from P1.
What is Graphics Specification:
Graphics specification consists of these following things:
- Client Needs
- Audience
- Thumbnail sketching
- Typography
- Composition
- Technical Considerations
- Visual style
The Audience means who your aiming the game at for example if you if it was a horror game it would be aimed at 16 year old males or above.
Thumbnail Sketching's is how the game cover looks on the packaging.
Typography is based around different fonts and how those fonts describe the movie of film for example The Hulks Font is Bold to show to make him look strong as seen below.

Composition basically means the positioning of objects within a frame and that positioning makes the view feel
Technical Considerations and Visual Style has already been explained in the previous exercise.
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